Cycling is a great way to get fit, meet people and have fun – but safety on the road is our number one priority

Muswell Hill Peloton has several club runs.  These are most importantly social occasions.  

Whilst the rides vary in speeds and participations, they are not racing.  Whilst group riding can be intimidating at first, it is great fun and aids the efficiency of your cycling efforts.

The aim of our club runs is to keep our members safe and increase the enjoyment of getting out on their bikes.  To do this we ask all members to follow the following guidelines.

Remember we are all responsible for the enjoyment and safety of the ride.

  • Bike Safety

    Make sure your bike is safe for the road before setting off.

  • Road Safety

    Please do respect other road users, we are all governed by the Highway Code. Be polite and considerate to fellow cyclists, motorists and other road users.

  • Rider positioning

    Aim to ride with around one metre from the wheel of the rider in front. It is often safest for groups of cyclists to ride in pairs, but not more than two abreast. Each rider should position themselves directly behind the rider in front. At times riders should reposition themselves into a single-file arrangement if this would enable cars to pass safely, or if the road conditions make it sensible to do so.

  • Awareness

    When riding it is advised to ride with your hands on the hoods and avoid braking suddenly. Hold your line, relax and importantly don’t overlap wheels with the rider in front. Looking forward and watching the shoulders of the rider in front allows appreciation of when they may change their riding.

  • signals

    Riders at the front should warn following riders of hazards ahead e.g. potholes, horses, either verbally or through hand gestures. These notifications should be passed through the group so that all riders are aware of hazards. Those at the back should let the group know if anyone is falling behind.

  • regrouping

    Efforts will be made to keep groups together at all times. Around junctions, at the top and bottom of hills, the group should slow to allow everyone to regroup, etc.

  • Punctures

    If someone punctures or has a mechanical, the group is expected to stop. Please ensure you bring spare inner tubes, tyre levers and pump. It is worth checking your tyres for embedded bits of flint and glass etc prior to a ride. Most punctures occur when bits of debris from earlier rides are forced further through the tyre.

  • new riders

    If you’re new, then welcome. Please identify yourself to those leading the club run who will explain how the run will work and where it is going.

  • club kit

    We have very distinctive and smart kit, please wear it with pride on the run. This is particularly important when we are riding in Regents Park as it makes us a distinct group and makes for a safer ride.